Before and After
2009. 10. 9. 00:14Sekiguchi Momoko Sweet poodle Repaint.
モモコ スウィートプードル リペイント
Angel Pink2009. 9. 26. 19:06Lovely! Lovely! Lovely! She is very first edtion of Petit Ai Gabriel Basic. (2004) 아직 집에 안가고 있는 (쿨럭) 아엘입니다. >_<~~ Melusine2009. 9. 25. 01:22I'm not a starbusks person. There is some reason like Starbucks Korea didn't give priority to fresh beans even they are coffee company. Or just Starbucks is not my taste. I prefer small roastery or good Tea. But I see this tumbler can't stop buying it. I love mythological characters! Earnestly...2009. 9. 13. 01:29영어때문에 머리에 쥐가 날 것 같습니다.. 가 솔직한 심정 OTL 아, 플리커 만들었습니다. -> |